Visualization publications dataset
We are making available a dataset that contains information on IEEE Visualization (IEEE VIS) publications from 1990-2024 as well as IEEE TVCG and IEEE CG&A article published at IEEE VIS.
The dataset includes a variety of information about each paper including title, authors, DOI, etc., as well as a list of the citations to other previous VIS papers. To download the dataset open the Google spreadsheet through the button below and choose File->Download as. The IEEE VIS papers are on the main tab (called Main dataset) and the journal papers presented at VIS are on the second tab called (Journal Papers Presented at VIS). In the third tab (Paper Numbers and Acceptance Rates) you find an overview of the number of papers submitted to each track and their respective acceptance rates over the years.
If you spot errors in the dataset feel free to leave a comment in the respective cells. We try to maintain and fix the spreadsheet.
NEW: There is now a Github repository in case you are interested in the source code to maintain the dataset.
Current version: 13
The number of papers in the dataset by publication venue.
Existing Visualizations about the Dataset
Observable notebook - @Fil
(data up to 2021)
Citation information in VisPubData - Helwig Hauser
(data up to 2020)
Keshif - M. Adil Yalçın
(data up to 2018)
CiteVis2 , CiteMatrix, VisLists & VisLists : Panpan Xu, Chad Stolper, Anand Sainath, John Stasko
(data up to 2016)
A table - Chales Perin
data up to 2015)
Concepts in Information Visualization Conference Publications 1990-2020: Michael Groenendyk and Tomasz Neugebauer
IEEE VIS co-authorship network 1990-2023: John Alexis Guerra Gómez
Previous projects I couldn't verify to work anymore
Paper quest - Ponsard et al. (link to paper pdf)
Citations /use of the data in scientific literature
If you use this dataset or the image above we would appreciate a citation.
Petra Isenberg, Florian Heimerl, Steffen Koch, Tobias Isenberg, Panpan Xu, Chad Stolper, Michael Sedlmair, Jian Chen, Torsten Möller, and John Stasko. A Metadata Collection about IEEE Visualization (VIS) Publications. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23(9):2199–2206, September 2017. (doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2016.2615308)
(free author version pdf) (doi)
author = {Petra Isenberg and Florian Heimerl and Steffen Koch and Tobias Isenberg and Panpan Xu and Chad Stolper and Michael Sedlmair and Jian Chen and Torsten M{\"o}ller and John Stasko},
title = { A Metadata Collection about {IEEE} Visualization ({VIS}) Publications},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
year = {2017},
volume = {23},
number = {9},
month = sep,
pages = {2199--2206},
doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2016.2615308},
doi_url = {},
url = {},
url2 = {},
pdf = {},
IEEE VIS 2017 Presentation
The conference presentation by Petra Isenberg
Related Datasets
IEEE VIS Conference Submissions and Keywords (accepted and anonymized rejected papers)
A dataset that links to wikidata entries related to information visualization - from this scientific article - a similar dataset curated by Devin Lange. It also contains EuroVis and CHI papers - but a little bit less metadata.